I perform professionally as a countertenor and medieval harpist, performing music written from the 12th to the 21st centuries but with a focus on medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music, as well as performance of my own compositions. In New York City I performed as a soloist in Carnegie Hall, at the Lincoln Center and in many historic churches. I performed with my own group Talisman Medieval, as well as with the United Nations Chamber Music Society and in the choirs at St Thomas Church Fifth Avenue and the Church of the Transfiguration.
Previous solo roles have included concerts performing medieval music of the troubadours and trouveres, Renaissance chansons, Baroque works and others, in the United States, Australia, the UK and Spain.
I have also performed with a number of highly-regarded ensembles in the UK and in Australia, including the choir of Southwark Cathedral, London, the choirs of Jesus College, Cambridge and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, the Cambridge Medieval Music Group, the Sydney Chamber Choir, the Renaissance Players and the choir of St James’ Church, King Street.
There are a number of performance samples on this site and more at my youtube channel
To discuss performance opportunities, please contact me
A Bard's Lament in the Plague of 1348
White Iris on thy Bier
A Litel Child Ther Ys Ibore